How You Can Use Twitter Fleet For Marketing Your Business
Earlier today, Twitter finally released their version of stories called ‘Fleet’, and just like Instagram Stories and Snapchat, your ‘fleets’ will disappear in 24 hours. Since Twitter is heavily-text based, you won’t be able to immediately add photos and videos but the text post. Still, on-brand, I would say.
Before I tell you how can you utilize this new feature and get ahead of your competitors, let’s still list down some of the reasons why you should use this feature.
People are curious
They all say ‘What on earth is this?’ but they’re fleeting, trust me. They’re trying to see what type of content people are posting on Fleet. Since it’s a new feature, we just have this habit that even if we’re not really fond of it, we just keep clicking on it. So believe me, they’re going to view your Twitter stories.
Like you, people are still trying to learn
People are still learning about what type of content they’re going to post on Fleet that would sit natively with their audience. Personally, I uploaded my filtered selfie without thinking if it’s ‘appropriate’ but fuck it, what is appropriate when we’re all just new here? What I mean is, each platform has its audience, so people are trying to learn if their content or first fleet would sit well with their followers.
You are sure that you are seen
‘Trisha, Twitter has impressions per tweet. They are seen.’ I know, I know! But how many people from your impressions actually read your tweet, expand details, and connect with you? Through Fleets, you know that your posts are being seen by your target audience. Try to compare the impressions vs Fleet views. I get almost 300 or more impressions per tweet but my Fleet views are now 100+ in less than 24 hours. It means that even if I don’t get engagements, I am sure that a solid 100+ group of people actually seen my post.
Now you know why you should use Fleet, but how? What are you going to do moving forward?
Determine what type of people are on Twitter
People on Twitter, as consumers (not tweeters), go to the platform to post their quick rants, random thoughts, opinions, and just overall very short and casual updates. What type of content do you think sits well with them? Twitter is known for quick customer service because its users immediately go to the platform to complain about the smallest things. So informational content about what your brand is up to is a good way to connect with your current customers and followers.
Post content related to your niche
As a brand and thought-leader in your industry, what type of content do you think would sit natively on Fleet? You have to think of that and not just post for the sake of using it. For example, lip-syncing to Kanye West and wearing a bralette while putting on your makeup works perfectly fine on Snapchat but never on LinkedIn stories. Videos of you driving to your local Starbucks at 9 AM to get your caramel macchiato can sit well on Instagram stories but will it work on Twitter? Think again.
Add your tweets to Fleets (the valuable ones)
Like what I said, Twitter impressions are one thing, but it costs nothing to add your recent and important tweet to Fleets. Through this, you can make sure that people are actually getting your message even if they don’t interact with you. You see, even if you get 25,000 impressions and a few engagements, you can’t celebrate yet but if you post the exact content to Fleet and get 3,000 views, you are assured that those 3,000 people actually read at least 2 words from your tweet.
To sum it up
Brands, thought-leaders, and even regular Twitter users are all testing the waters. This is a great opportunity to start a trend because everything is fresh. Nothing is corny yet. Nothing is cool yet as compared to other platforms, which have already established culture on their stories to the extent we know what we’re seeing everyday. This is a fresh start to create innovative content.
Disclaimer: These are my thoughts and I take no liability if these strategies do not work for you because after all, you manage your page.
All words and thoughts are mine. No copyright infringement intended. Do not copy and redistribute without permission.